1,845 research outputs found

    R&D expenditure in the EU: convergence or divergence?

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    This article examines the convergence of the R&D expenditure in the EU28 for 2004–2015. We initially run a sigma convergence analysis and the results show convergence in the total expenditure, due to the behaviour of the business and higher education sectors, despite government sector divergence. However, noticeable differences between the EU15 and 13 EU countries are apparent. The business enterprise sector is the main driver of EU15 R&D convergence, whereas for the EU13 this role is played by the government expenditure. In addition, the economic crisis has impacted differently on both groups. The club convergence approach allows us to explore these insights through individualized analysis and clusterization. Results for the EU28 show two clubs for the total expenditure, but the analysis of its components reveals a larger grouping. Our results evidence the necessity of revising the EU R&D policies towards greater coordination and resources, and the implementation of new instruments, due to the impact of this expenditure on growth, development and integration

    Spontaneous light emission in complex nanostructures

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    The spontaneous emission of an excited atom surrounded by different materials is studied in the framework of a semiclassical approach, where the transition dipole moment acts as the source of the emission field. The emission in the presence of semiinfinite media, metallic nanorings, spheres, gratings, and other complex geometries is investigated. Strong emission enhancement effects are obtained in some of these geometries associated to the excitation of plasmons (e.g., in nanorings or spheres). Furthermore, the emission is shown to take place only along narrow angular distributions when the atom is located inside a low-index dielectric and near its planar surface, or when metallic nanogratings are employed at certain resonant wave lengths. In particular, axially symmetric gratings made of real silver metal are considered, and both emission rate enhancement and focused far-field emission are achieved simultaneously when the grating is decorated with further nanostructures.This work has been supported in part by the Basque Departamento de Educacion, Universidades e Investigacion, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Contract No. 00206.215-13639/2001) and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Contract No. MAT2001-0946).Peer reviewe

    Caracterización etnológica de la raza bovina negra andaluza

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    La raza bovina Negra Andaluza o de las Campiñas, una de las razas mansas procedentes del Tronco Negro Ibérico, vio reducido su censo como consecuencia de la llegada de la mecanización del campo, por ello, en la actualidad, está catalogada como raza de protección oficial, quedando algunos rebaños en las zonas de sierra de las provincias de Córdoba y Huelva y en las tierras bajas de las provincias de Sevilla, Cádiz y Huelva. Pese a existir descripciones de la raza en la bibliografía clásica, hasta la fecha no se había realizado ningún estudio de caracterización detallada. Los estudios realizados para el presente trabajo se han desarrollado con este fin bajo la financiación del proyecto INIA identificado como RZ2004-0013. Se han analizado un total de 6 medidas zoométricas y 27 caracteres de índole morfológica y faneróptica en una muestra de 81 animales (78 hembras y 3 machos). Las medias obtenidas en las variables zoométricas son inferiores, tanto en las hembras como en los machos, a las aportadas por la bibliografía clásica (135-140 para la alzada a la cruz, 138-143 para la alzada a las palomillas y 60-66 para el diámetro bicostal). En cuanto a los caracteres cualitativos, se ha obtenido que éstos son poco polimórficos y que su forma de presentación más frecuente coincide en muchos de ellos con el estándar racial vigente.Proyecto INIA. Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema basado en Learning Analytics para evaluar la competencia de trabajo en equipo.Design and development of a Learning Analytics System to evaluate group work competence

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    La adquisición de la competencia grupal es algo básico en la docencia universitaria. Esta tarea va a suponer evaluar diferentes factores en un número elevado de alumnos, lo que puede supone gran complejidad y un esfuerzo elevado. De cara a evitar este esfuerzo se puede pensar en emplear los registros de la interacción de los usuarios almacenados en las plataformas de aprendizaje. Para ello el presente trabajo se basa en el desarrollo de un sistema de Learning Analytics que es utilizado como herramienta para analizar las evidencias individuales de los distintos miembros de un equipo de trabajo. El trabajo desarrolla un modelo teórico apoyado en la herramienta, que permite relacionar las evidencias observadas de forma empírica para cada alumno, con indicadores obtenidos tanto de la acción individual como cooperativo de los miembros de un equipo realizadas a través de los foros de trabajo. Abstract — The development of the group work competence is something basic in university teaching. It should be evaluated, but this means to analyze different issues about the participation of a high number of students which is very complex and implies a lot of effort. In order to facilitate this evaluation it is possible to analyze the logs of students’ interaction in Learning Management Systems. The present work describes the development of a Learning Analytics system that analyzes the interaction of each of the members of working group. This tool is supported by a theoretical model, which allows establishing links between the empirical evidences of each student and the indicators of their action in working forums


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    Fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) is a complex chronic pain disorder of unknown causation associated with debilitating fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, cognitive and affective symptoms. There is no biological markers to monitor FM progression and no permanent cure for FM. Our aim was to identify markers associated with FM and its progression and to evaluate the efficacy of a battery of treatments. The study is a treatment trial, open label and single centre, with 27 women (41 ± 2 years) diagnosed with FM using the Widespread Pain Index (WPI), the Symptom Severity (SS) Scale and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Anthropometric parameters, plasma cytokines values and clinical progression were measured before and after two months of a multi-approach treatment. A significant improvement was observed after two months of treatment as shown by WPI, SS Scale and FIQ. No significant variations were observed, except for the intracellular body water parameters, in anthropometric and body composition characteristics. Food-induced histaminosis release was observed to cow´s milk, egg, fruit, wheat and oily fish. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) plasma cytokine values were significantly higher in FM. A strong positive correlation was observed between the percentage of reduction of cytokine levels and the improvement of health status. We propose: i) the existence of different subsets of FM patients; ii) the use of intracellular body water and plasma cytokine values as positive markers for FM progression; iii) that food-sensitisation could be an important mechanism for FM pathogenesis and iv) the use of a multidisciplinary approach for FM treatment


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    Fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) is a complex chronic pain disorder of unknown causation associated with debilitating fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, cognitive and affective symptoms. There is no biological markers to monitor FM progression and no permanent cure for FM. Our aim was to identify markers associated with FM and its progression and to evaluate the efficacy of a battery of treatments. The study is a treatment trial, open label and single centre, with 27 women (41 ± 2 years) diagnosed with FM using the Widespread Pain Index (WPI), the Symptom Severity (SS) Scale and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Anthropometric parameters, plasma cytokines values and clinical progression were measured before and after two months of a multi-approach treatment. A significant improvement was observed after two months of treatment as shown by WPI, SS Scale and FIQ. No significant variations were observed, except for the intracellular body water parameters, in anthropometric and body composition characteristics. Food-induced histaminosis release was observed to cow´s milk, egg, fruit, wheat and oily fish. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) plasma cytokine values were significantly higher in FM. A strong positive correlation was observed between the percentage of reduction of cytokine levels and the improvement of health status. We propose: i) the existence of different subsets of FM patients; ii) the use of intracellular body water and plasma cytokine values as positive markers for FM progression; iii) that food-sensitisation could be an important mechanism for FM pathogenesis and iv) the use of a multidisciplinary approach for FM treatment

    Actuaciones dentro del plan de recuperación de una raza autóctona en peligro de extinción: la raza ovina churra lebrijana. Caracteres cualitativos externos y faneróptica

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    La raza ovina Churra Lebrijana se localiza en la Sierra Norte de Sevilla y Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche. En la actualidad, se encuentra en grave peligro de extinción, contando con no más de 200 efectivos repartidos en dos explotaciones. Ante la necesidad de abordar la llevanza del Libro Genealógico de la raza, previa concesión, por los organismos administrativos pertinentes, se están llevando a cabo una serie de actuaciones, encuadradas en un proyecto INIA, con la finalidad de preservarla. En este sentido, se han obtenido un total de 23 variables cualitativas correspondientes a las regiones de la cabeza, tronco, mamas y extremidades, así como caracteres de índole faneróptica. Se han controlado un total de 22 ejemplares (16 hembras y el total de sementales de la raza), localizados en dos explotaciones de Andalucía. Para sentar las bases que permitan recuperar y conservar la raza, es necesario realizar un análisis previo que determine la variabilidad de los caracteres analizados a fin de poder encuadrar /discriminar aquellos animales que se ajusten o no al patrón racial propuesto.Proyecto de Investigación RZ-03-019, INIA, Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Fugas de/desde lo queer en Iberoamérica: estéticas, narrativas e imaginación política de la disidencia sexogenérica

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    The aim of this dossier is to question, revisit or problematize in Ibero-America the notion of minority, the identity approach to sexuality, of community, and that address the queer as a possible escape from narratives and identity representations of sex-gender diversities. In particular, we seek to problematize the queer/queer and the dissident body of the gender-sex norm as possible assemblages against social and cultural structures, and/or that study the sexual and the drive erotica as a space for political vindication and the politicization of the body, not only to demand the recognition of civil and human rights for people, but also to escape from the identity logic of its capture, no matter what it is (lesbian, gay, trans, queer, non-binary, bi).Desde las fugas de/desde lo queer, buscamos cuestionar, revisitar y/o problematizar críticamente en Iberoamérica la noción de minoría, el abordaje identitario de la sexualidad, de comunidad, y apuntalar abordajes de lo queer/cuir como posible fuga a las narrativas y representaciones identitarias de las diversidades sexogenéricas: fugas de/desde lo queer entendidas como las formas en que las experiencias, abordajes y prácticas de vida pueden desbordar tanto las políticas normativas como las mismas trazas normalizadas de lo queer. No se trata de encajar en este mundo sino de pensar de forma más radical en otros mundos posibles